Monday, October 6, 2008

Where am I?

Well I am down in Kingman, AZ. Just hanging about and soaking up as much sun as possible before I have to go back to the Seattle area and get 7-8 months straight of overcast skies and rain. But I have yet to write on this blog. I have a lot on my mind... about the upcoming election... about the economy... about my place in all of this and where I fit in. I know what I believe and I know that my God is in control. It is a polar opposite here in Kingman than that of the liberal cloud that surrounds Seattle and its surrounding parts. Kind of refreshing. I get so bogged down when after a Vice Presidential debate that I thought was won by Sarah Palin, (but I'm pretty conservative so I would lean that way) what I hear on the radio is... Oh well Biden won but Sarah Palin did better than I thought she would. First of all this tells me that she makes the liberal media a bit uneasy because she is someone people can relate too. But at the same time I'm tired of people making this a race between the Vice Presidential candidates. It seems that all I hear of the GOP is about Sarah Palin and I feel that McCain is losing in most polls because he hasn't shown any emotion... He's playing it cool, trying to be even keeled. It's boring and frankly if he has a disadvantage it is Obama's ability to speak, and frankly McCain needs a spirited approach o things if he is ever win people over. At the same time I don't give too much credit to the polls that the liberal media comes up with now because the only one that matters is the one in November. And if I hear one more time that Obama should be president because of his ability to speak... I might just tear my ears off so I don't have to hear it. To think that most people voting for him are just going to vote because they think he is the "Change" we need. Well I have been hearing a lot about "change" lately from both sides and not hearing a lot about what they are going to do to change things. Are crooked politics really the change that we need in America. Most people don't know that Obama is a product of being a political puppet in Chicago to get someone else's agenda across. What makes us think he will be any different in the White House? I'm not saying that I agree with McCain on every level... I actually agree with Palin on more things... but his loyalty to this country and ability to lead are not paralleled by Obama really on any level. To me Obama is the product of the democratic party not having anyone suitable for the White House so they got the man who can talk a good game and will do whatever the party tells him to. That doesn't sound like a man ready to lead to me... but then again I'm in Arizona right now so my opinion is probably distorted.