Sunday, November 30, 2008

What do you believe?

So I'm in this group on facebook called "100,000,000 Christians worship God" and there are some discussion questions on there and a guy named Ivan writes a lot on there. He is obviously not a Christian and basically argues a lot without any real evidence to support what he is saying. I find a lot of people that try to dispute what I happen to believe without really knowing what I believe. So here is what I wrote to him maybe it will help whoever is looking at it:

Ivan I just want to say that from reading many of your posts here you seem pretty uninformed about the Bible. You even said you haven't read much of it. You can call Christians narrow, fundamentalist or not open minded but that is OK. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) I don't know a more fundamental or narrow way of thinking than that. Now I know you are throwing out the Bible as proof of anything but how can you disprove something you have no knowledge of... that seems pretty one sided. And that doesn't make any sense for Satan to include that in his masterful scheme against human kind. It just seems like you are making a lot of assumptions that are only based on what you feel without any real research.

So here's the deal... We can't know 100% on anything in life before we go through it... right? But what we can do is equip ourselves with the knowledge of that certain subject until we feel comfortable with it. Whether it is taking a big trip, making an investment, going sky diving or in this case what we believe... but once we equip ourselves with that knowledge we might have enough faith that this or that is the right way to go. Faith - a belief in the trustworthiness of an idea. If you decide that Jesus is the way to God... (I'm not making any assumptions that you will) God promises to send you his Holy Spirit to live inside you. You may not ever make that decision, but I have and that is the only way you will ever know why we as Christians believe without a doubt that it was the right decision... We know his Holy Spirit because it lives within us and that is our proof.

I know I can't talk you into being a Christian and it seems like you are pretty set in your way of thinking, but I would just encourage you to do some research and really find out what you believe. Because when the end comes you don't want to be on the wrong side... There is no way that all religions can be God's religion because not all religions point to God. If what is true for you is true for you and whats true for me is true for me... What if my truth says yours is a lie? Is it still true?

In the end the truth will be the truth. The Bible says there is only one. That truth according to the Bible is that man was not worthy of heaven on his own. And God loved man so much he sent Jesus, his only son, to earth to live a worthy life and then be sacrificed for man. But that on its own would not be enough... Jesus three days later then rose from the dead conquering that death so it no longer had mastery over him. All you have to do is believe that and you will be saved.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. (John 3:17-18)

I'm not saying that you will believe this if you read the Bible, I'm just saying you can't rule it out until you really look into it.